The Planning Committee yesterday (24th June) unanimously approved the planning application for the CORE (Community Renewable Energy Project) Development on Auchinleck Road in Cumnock.
As a member of the Planning Committee, and after full consideration and scrutiny, I gave my full support to this application.
The Scheme as a whole will bring major benefits to our area providing ‘new’ Jobs and Educational Opportunities which will be a massive boost to our areas Economy. The Scheme is part funded by the UK Government with £17M of investment.
However I proposed an enhancement to planning condition 23 which involves Landscaping and Boundary treatments to the development.
This was also agreed unanimously by the Committee and means that it will now be a condition that the development must have extra planting of trees and shrubs to it's border with Auchinleck Road, meaning that the development will be screened further from the main road and will create a greener border in upkeeping with the rest of the area.
Full details of the Planning Application can be found here:
